Sage the Oracle Touch Coffee Machine Review

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  • Pulse Extraction Process for optimal coffee extraction
  • 15 bar pressure pump
  • Programmable customization i.e coffee strength, amount of water, water temperature
  • Automated rinsing, descaling and cleaning mode
  • Automatic milk rinse
  • Adjustable water hardness
  • Wireless ready
  • Fine foam milk frothing
  • Front filling water chamber
  • Smart filter


  • Fairly expensive
  • Grinder is loud
  • Oily beans tend to clog the grinder
  • Large size is not ideal for small kitchen counters
  • Top loading bean chamber

Sage the Oracle Touch Overview

Coffee is a beverage that you can enjoy every day. In fact, many of us do. Some would argue that they can’t get anything done without it. Nurses, truck drivers, people who work nights use it to get through their shift. For these people, caffeine is a way of survival. But for coffee lovers, enthusiasts, those who would call themselves connoisseurs, coffee is a way of life. That’s why the Oracle Touch exists. This coffee machine is made for those with an espresso obsession.

The Oracle Touch by Sage was created to fulfill one’s every possible caffeine need, and do it better than the rest. It is a completely automated coffee maker that takes all of the thought out of the coffee-making process and satisfies your caffeine fix. Sage has further simplified the coffee process by adding automation and a convenient touch screen into their classic espresso machine.

The Oracle Touch shines in a classic brushed stainless steel colour. It looks like a regular coffee maker, but it’s capable of so much more. By automating every stage of the coffee process, Sage has created a coffee experience that other machines simply cannot provide. It will grind and brew the coffee, and if chosen, it’ll pour the milk for you. So all you have to do is swipe through your options, make a selection, and wait.

The Oracle Touch will meet you right where you want to be. Its stunning design is paired with a simple interface so it’s easy to make a great coffee. It comes with six pre-programmed coffee favourites; espresso, long black, latte, flat white, cappuccino, and hot milk. Plus you can create, save, and name up to 8 personalized coffees. If you take a double shot latte every morning, rather than customizing it each time, you can save that adjusted coffee and the machine will remember it for you.

This coffee maker has amazing technological capabilities, but we have to address the quality of coffee it makes. With the Oracle touch, you can enjoy third wave specialty coffee at home. Third wave specialty coffee is how we characterize the rich coffee culture embraced today and in the future. This movement sees coffee as an artisanal food rather than a commodity, and as such, the coffee produced creates the ultimate taste experience.

It’s hard to make a better coffee than one produced by a commercial machine, guided by an experienced barista, but the Oracle Touch mimics many features of such machines. Similar to the industrial machine in your favourite cafe, the integrated conical burr grinder of the Oracle Touch automatically grinds, doses and tamps 22 grams of coffee.

It only takes a difference of 2° F to take an espresso from a balanced taste to an ashy taste. The Oracle Touch uses digital temperature control (PID) technology to keep the water temperature at its optimum range. This, paired with dual stainless steel boilers and a heated group head, ensures a balanced espresso.

No one likes a bitter coffee. That’s why the Oracle touch includes the Over Pressure Valve (OPV). The OPV controls the pressure throughout the extraction process to prevent bitterness. To create an even extraction, it’s true low-pressure pre-infusion feature slowly increases the pressure and gently expands the coffee grinds.

The Oracle Touch is a capable machine with many talents. But before you take out your credit card, you should know everything there is to know about the coffee maker. Let’s analyse the machine on a deeper level so that you know whether it’s right for you.

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Design and Impression of the Oracle Touch

Breville Oracle Touch Espresso Machine BES990BSS, Brushed Stainless SteelThe Oracle Touch is subtle and unassuming. It seems like an average coffee machine, but in reality, it’s a display of the amazing things that can be done through automation. The brushed silver colour of the machine is almost a texture; it’s as though you can feel the lines of the carved into the machine during its careful design.

This coffee maker is a simple machine that can nestle into any kitchen without a problem. Somewhere between medium and large, the Oracle touch measures 43.4 x 44 x 52.7 cm. It’s bean hopper gracefully stores ½ a pound of coffee beans. Its water tank can hold up to 84 oz. The bean hopper is placed conveniently on top of the machine, with lots of room for your mugs or glasses as well.

Available with the Oracle touch is a heavyweight portafilter as well as two push-in filter baskets (single and double shot). It also includes a stainless steel milk frothing jug and a metal knock box to remove used grounds from the portafilter. This is much easier than hitting the handle against the garbage or compost bin and having grounds fly everywhere. For ease of use, it includes some cleaning tools, a clip-in water filter, and an instruction manual.

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Features and functions of the Oracle touch

The Oracle touch provides you with many different ways to get your morning glory. With multiple pre-programmed drinks available at your convenience, it’s clearly meant for you. But it doesn’t stop there – this coffee machine allows you to customize your morning java in many ways. With this coffee maker, you can adjust the grind settings, water temperature, program the milk temperature and texture, amount of espresso shots, speed of your pour, and brew strength.

This machine makes making coffee easy. Just swipe your finger across the touch screen and make your coffee selection. After that, follow the steps to grind the beans. The machine will grind the beans sitting in the hopper. It then smartly deposits the ground coffee into the portafilter and tamps it down to a flawless consistency that’s ready to brew. The Oracle touch was designed with such attention to detail that even though the portafilter is designed for two cups, its geometry pours your liquid gold narrowly enough that even a single espresso cup will catch it. A single-shot will be extracted within exactly 25 seconds, but you can adjust the extraction time to your taste.

If you’d like a cappuccino or a latte, simply take your milk jug and fill it, then place it under the steaming wand. The Oracle touch can pour espresso and steam milk simultaneously, so there’s no time wasted. The steam wand is powered by a dedicated boiler which helps it to texture milk to the perfect taste and temperature. With this coffee machine, you can enjoy silky, barista-quality micro-foam without having to leave the house.

The Oracle touch helps you bring the café home. Its method of steaming milk lets you be the barista, without missing out on the quality. Plus, it brews espresso with a strong barista-style caffeine hit. Its espresso is rich, creamy and holds the same bite and aroma you’d get at a coffee shop.

Sage’s Oracle touch is of considerable size, but they have added a feature for easy mobility. They have added a circular plastic knob underneath the overflow tray that you can turn to reveal a set of hidden mini wheels. This means if you want to move the machine, you can simply move it with the wheels rather than lifting it. After you’ve moved it, you can turn the knob once again and the machine will happily sit on the countertop. Also underneath the overflow tray, there is a handy drawer for storing the cleaning tools and a spare portafilter insert.

This coffee maker has automated all the processes you don’t want to do, but still lets you be in control of your coffee. You get to be the barista, with less risk of messing it up; the grinding and tamping, the coffee extraction and milk frothing process are completely automated.

Disadvantages of the Oracle touch

With such an intentionally designed machine, the makers of the Oracle touch clearly aimed for perfection. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done. Let’s talk about where this coffee machine missed the mark.

First, the machine is noisy. During the grinding and tamping process, it emits a very irritating and loud noise. One reviewer described it as “one hundred squeaking mice scratching their claws on a chalkboard at the same time (source).” The same reviewer described the Oracle touch as big and very heavy and stated that the milk frother can be inconsistent.

When you’re considering purchasing, you should think about where you’d put the machine. The hopper is on top which can make it hard to find a convenient spot, especially if there are shelves above your counter.

Across the board, many say that it is an expensive investment for a domestic machine. Depending on who you are, you may want to spend your money on a more industrial coffee maker, whether you like the machine to do things for you or you prefer to be the one tinkering with the machine.

Conclusion: the Oracle touch is one of the best bean-to-cup coffee machine on the market

Sage the Oracle touch is a perfect machine for people who like the authenticity of a manual machine but also enjoy the less exciting processes to be done for them. It’s effortlessly simple and produces a flawless extraction every time.

Though somewhat large, the Oracle touch has a stunning design complete with convenient features perfect for you. It has a crystal-clear touchscreen with simple graphics. The water tank is deep so that you can make lots of coffee, and completely removable when it’s time for a refill.

Sage’s Oracle Touch is easy to use and program to your preference. Its touchscreen lets you choose between six preset coffee styles, and the coffee machine allows for up to eight customisable settings. Plus, it does all the hard work for you while keeping you in the driver’s seat.

Sage Oracle Touch Coffee Machines
462 Reviews
Sage Oracle Touch Coffee Machines*
  • Please refer to user guide or user manual or user guide (provided below in PDF) before first use.Grind Settings : 45 precision grind settings. Portafilter : Commercial grade 58mm portafilter.Portafilter : Commercial grade 58mm portafilter

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