Cuisinart One Cup Grind & Brew Coffee Machine review

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  • One-Touch programme
  • Makes a great coffee
  • Compact size
  • Can use coffee powder
  • 3 year guarantee
  • Removable drip tray accommodates travel mugs


  • Blade grinder makes inconsistent grounds
  • Not self-cleaning
  • Grinder chamber gets condensation
  • Grinder is loud

Cuisinart One Cup Grind & Brew Overview

Cuisinart DGB-1 Single Cup Grind & Brew Coffeemaker DISCONTINUEDThe popularity and convenience of one-cup brewing has taken the world by storm. Particularly the Keurig system. But, not everybody is a fan of that format.

Enter the Cuisinart Single Cup Grind and Brew. It’s a true bean-to-cup experience for drip coffee, perfect for when only a single cup is needed.

For the environmentally minded, the pod system is a non-starter. There is simply too much waste associated with disposable cups.

The budget minded coffee drinker understands that using coffee pods is not as cheap an option as brewing your own. Yes, it is cheaper than getting that daily cup of coffee at the local coffeehouse, but it is much more frugal to grind and brew a cup.

Lastly, the coffee connoisseur would never put their taste buds in the hands of a coffee powder that has been sitting for God knows how long. They want more control over their cup of coffee than can be had by Keurig systems.

The Cuisinart Grind and Brew ticks all of those boxes. It’s a great option for anybody who doesn’t want to brew a whole pot of drip coffee, and doesn’t want to sacrifice flavour.

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Why only brew one cup at a time?

Once upon a time, a one-cup brew meant spooning granulated freeze-dried coffee into a cup followed by boiling water.

Obviously that would never do for the discerning coffee drinker in this day and age. Luckily, you can now have a bean-to-cup experience for drip coffee without brewing a whole pot.

A one cup brew machine is a great idea for anybody who lives life on the go. At the press of a button, one can have their travel mug filled with their favorite coffee. This is ideal for the busy commuter who can’t wait in a long queue every morning before making their way to work.

Maybe you live alone and don’t really need to make a full pot. Or, you could be the only coffee drinker in a house full of tea fanatics. When you want a cup of high test and everybody else wants decaf, you have your own personal coffee.

Making a single cup with a multi-cup pot is tedious at best. Wasteful at worst. More coffee gets thrown away when making coffee for just a single cup.

Features of the Cuisinart Single Cup Grind and Brew

With the touch of a button, the Cuisinart will grind and brew your cup of coffee. It isn’t an espresso or cappuccino machine. This is meant for the regular drip coffee lover.

Lifting the top lid, a small bean hopper is revealed. It can handle up to six scoops of whole beans. The water reservoir can take up to 16 ounces (473 ml) for a big, rich cup of fresh coffee. A small water filter can be inserted if your tap water is not up to snuff.

Using one scoop of beans per 4 ounces of water, the grinder is loaded and water added. Place your cup under the spout and press the button to start the grind.

The grinds are deposited into a conical stainless steel gold-tone mesh filter. Number 2 size. You don’t even need to place a paper filter in the machine making it even faster to make your brew.

There are only 2 buttons. One for grinding and one to use pre-ground coffee. It’s as easy as it gets.

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How is the cleaning up?

This really up to how little cleaning one wants to do. It isn’t a self cleaning machine.

That said, clean up couldn’t be easier. The grinder is easily removed and simply needs to be wiped down. The conical filter is also removable and only needs a rinse. All the parts are dishwasher safe, saving even more time.

The downside is that all the parts need to be rinsed or wiped down after every cup.

Frequently asked questions about the Cuisinart Single Cup Grind and Brew

Are the plastic parts BPA free?

Yes. All the plastic that comes in contact with the coffee are BPA free.

Can the coffee strength be adjusted?

There is no setting for coffee strength. Adding more or less whole beans to the grinder will change the strength.

How big is the machine?

It’s 20.3 x 25.4 x 3.2 cm. It weighs 4.3 kilos.

Is there a guarantee?

There is a 3 year manufacturer’s warranty. It covers any defects to the machine. It does not cover any accidents or damage from misuse.

Is the Cuisinart Single Cup Grind and Brew machine worth it?

Making a coffee with coffee beans that are ground just before brewing is always worth it. The connoisseur would not have it any other way.

That process is a bit tedious, however. Set your grinder to the desired coarseness and dose. Place filter into coffee machine. Add ground coffee into the basket. Measure water. Place carafe under spout. Finish making coffee and remember to shut off the machine. Pour coffee into mug. Dump any excess coffee.

With the Cuisinart, making one cup of coffee is a breeze. Every part of the process is in one place. Just fill the grinder. Place cup under the spout and press the button. When it’s done take your cup and walk away.

Not needing a new filter every time is convenient as well as economical. There is one caveat about that, however. Since the grinder is a blade and not a burr grinder, it tends to create coffee dust that isn’t caught by the mesh filter. That leads to a slight layer of sludge on the bottom of the cup. Some people prefer to use a paper filter in addition to the mesh one to avoid that.

It’s size is compact, fitting discreetly into any kitchen. The flat-dweller with little counter space won’t have an issue finding room for this. It also has an understated design which won’t clash with any kitchen design.

There is a strange design flaw which must be addressed. The grinder is located within the machine right where the brewing takes place. That leads to condensation inside the grinder. It must be washed and dried after every cup because of this. If not, then the next grind will gum up the chamber and it won’t properly grind.

It is a minor inconvenience since any grinder should be cleaned after each use. Even standalone ones. To get the best tasting coffee it is worth the extra step.

The bottom line is that no bean-to-cup machine is perfect. Everybody’s needs are different. What might work for one coffee drinker is out of the question for another.

This guide should put you on the right path to deciding if the Cuisinart Single Cup Grind and Brew machine is the right choice for you.

Cuisinart DGB-1 Single Cup Grind & Brew Coffeemaker DISCONTINUED*
  • Grinds & Brews up to 16 oz. at a time
  • Blade grinder automatically grinds whole beans and dispenses ground coffee directly into filter basket.
  • Simple controls are as easy as 1, 2, 3 - add beans, add water, press "Grind & Brew" button
  • Grind-off feature allows you to use pre-ground coffee
  • Removable drip tray accommodates travel mug, kindly refer the user manual given below for troubleshooting steps.

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